Manufacturer’s recall for Philips CPAP devices, click here.

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Agrément Canada - Mention d'honneur Ordre professionnel des inhalothérapeutes du Québec


The follow-up carried out throughout your treatment is essential.

Follow-up will allow you to track the progress of treatment while making sure that treatment pressure settings are correct, that there are no symptoms linked to obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and that respiratory events are managed correctly.

During this session, your respiratory therapist will check the integrity of your device and its proper functioning. At the same time, the device data will be downloaded and you will be given a summary of statistics.

Finally, you will be given a reminder about the maintenance of your CPAP and a restocking of accessories.

Your respiratory therapist will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Following this comprehensive follow-up, a report will be sent to your specialist(s). This report will keep your doctor informed of your treatment. Your respiratory therapist will also be able to make recommendations to optimize treatment, as needed.

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